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| The Score on Victimless Crimes
[Last Modified on 2008.01.24]

Victimless crimes include crimes such as assisted suicide, prostitution and drug use, crimes where the perpetrator is not infringing on the rights of any other individual. All victimless crimes should be decriminalized immediately.

  • The religious tilt that has created most of these types of laws must be overcome. If there is no victim, or if the "perpetrator" of the action is, himself, the victim, then no crime has been committed.

  • Prostitution must be legalized, which will enable us to regulate it and also ensure the safety of prostitutes and their customers. However, an individual must reach the age of majority to participate in prostitution, either as a provider or a client.

  • Euthanasia must be legalized, as it must remain every individual's absolute choice as to whether they would live or die, particularly in cases of medical hardship. Painless, easy death should be an option available to any individual whose quality of life is in question, and should be administered by a licensed physician. The Hippocratic Oath clearly states, "Above all, do no harm." (Strangely similar to the Wiccan creed of: "As it harms no one, do what you will.") If prolonging a patient's life would do serious harm (for instance, severe pain) to the patient, then the Oath itself suggests that the patient should be allowed to die, if that is the patient's wish. As always, it comes down to a matter of accountability; adults are accountable and responsible for their own lives, and the privilege of ending one's own life must be protected. The only qualifications for euthanasia must be: that the patient is of sound mind and able to make such a decision (as confirmed by two licensed psychiatrists); and that the patient's condition truly is bad enough to warrant a request for death (as confirmed by two licensed physicians). An Oregon law, known as the Death With Dignity Act, holds that patients with less than six months to live may elect physician assisted suicide after two doctors agree on the terminal diagnosis and validate the patient's mental competence to make the request. Currently, the Bush administration is actively seeking to have that law repealed.

  • Drug use must be legalized.

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[  Filed under: % Civil Liberties  % Government & Politics  ]

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