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| The Score on Space Exploration
[Last Modified on 2007.05.18]

Those who do not see the need for an ongoing, highly funded and supported effort to explore space and develop interplanetary and interstellar travel are severely shortsighted.

  • The development of space travel and exploration technology also has the side effect of increasing our knowledge and technology in fields such as medicine, biology, nanotechnology, and many others. Great — and even trivial — technological advances are often based on the technology developed for space exploration and experimentation.
  • The long term goal of space exploration is to eventually populate other planets, not just study them. In order to succeed as a species when our sun transforms into a Red Giant in roughly five billion years, we need to make significant advances in space travel in the next several thousand years. These advances will serve as a basis for the immense task of moving out into the galaxy and populating other places. If we want to prolong the existence of our species, we must figure out a way to travel to and survive on other tellurian planets.

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[  Filed under: % Science & Technology  ]

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